Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Psss....I Have A Secret!!!

Good evening Beauties! So I thought I'd jump on really quick to share a secret with you all. I know that all of my faithful followers are fashionistas! Therefore, I know you all (like myself) must have tons of heels, and few pairs of Coach sneakers in your closets! Well, have you ever run across your favorite pair of patent leather heels and realized there was a HORRIBLE scuff on them that made you want to cringe just from the sight of it? Or even those Coach sneakers that have thick white rubber sole that has GRUNDGE on it that just wont go away no matter how many times you've wiped them down? I have a secret for you ladies that will revive those shoes!! Wanna know what it is? Okay,'s Hand Sanitizer!! YES, my Beauty's....good ole trusty hand sanitizer! It removes scuffs on heels and that God awful grundge on your sneakers. I know it sounds crazy right, but it really works!!!! I'm about to show you a demonstration...check it out!

Well Beauty's, there you have it! Hand sanitizer will help repair, restore, & reserve some of our most prized possessions......SHOES!!! And it's doesn't stop there ladies, this stuff removes ink, dye and anything else you can think of that may be tough to remove. Hope you all have enjoyed my little secret/tip. Until next time Beauty's....stay tuned! :)


  1. REALLY??? I have thrown heels away because of unsightly scuff marks. You know I am going home this afternoon to restore my heels. Thank You!

  2. are you serious!! OMG!! Thank you for sharing, I'm so going to get that HUGE bottle that Wal-Mart selling!!..LOL

  3. I heard of this a few years ago but never used it.
    Now on a s/n I'll take the Coach sneakers to add to my collection!
    (Love the shoes btw!)


  4. Heyyyyy... I'm in AWE... I NEVER knew this!!!! ~THANKS for the FASHIONISTA'S 101!!!!!

  5. LMBO!!! Gurl, I sure do have some Coach sneaks in my closet, those very ones and I am, no lie, going upstairs as soon as Im done typing this and scrubbling them with hand sanitizer! Thank you for the tip!

  6. I heard you talking about this a while back, and I considered trying it...but now that I've seen these pics I am DEFINITELY going to try it! Great tip homie!

  7. Wow! Who knew….that good old hand sanitizer could bring life back to a pair of Coach shoes…LOL This is Awesome!

  8. Thank You ladies!!! I'm telling you, Hand Sanitizer removes all kinds of stains! I dont know what's in that stuff, but whatever it is, it works WONDERS!!! I'm glad I was able pass on the tip! :)

  9. This is a great tip, never would have thought to use hand sanitizer. My grandma did teach me to use rubbing alcohol on patent leather when I was younger.

  10. @Bajan Beauty.....Perhaps it's the alcohol that's removing the scuffs & dirt! Hmmm.... :)

  11. Purchasing my Industrial size bottle this weekend...I've got some shoes to clean..ASAP

  12. Wow! Thanks for sharing this info.

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  13. oooooh! *snags bottle*


  14. WOW!!!!!! I am COMPLETELY and UTTERLY amazed right now. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse and I NEVER knew it could do all this. WOW... Thanks SOOO MUCH for sharing



Thank you for stopping by Beauty's!!! I look forward to reading your wonderful comments, thoughts, & suggestions! Until next time......