Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer, Summer, Summer Time!!!

Hi Beauty's!!! Let me start tonight by apologizing for being MIA for as long as I have!! I was really struggling with my next hair move and was kinda feeling uninspired. But I'm back!!! I'm sure you ladies have all been waiting to see what style I chose. As mentioned before, I do NOT want to cut my hair! Although living in Texas has made that decision EXTREMELY difficult! It has been crazy HOT here!!!! But, I've stuck to my guns and I've resisted the urge and didnt do the big chop. This weekend, I went to my good friends babyshower  I was there with good friends & fellow bloggers and It was here where I revealed my latest look! So without further delay, here the style I decided to go with......


Hot, Hot, Hot (The weather that is!)

Close Up!

Back Shot!!!

Loving this Color!

Summer Time READY!!!
Well Beauty's I hope you all enjoyed my choice! I'm LOVING my latest look! It's sleek, it's sassy, it's easy to maintain and most importantly it's COOL!!! I'll be rocking this style for a couple of weeks and the it'll be on to the next one! Sighssss....decisions, decisions. However, I must let you know ahead of time that I will probably be rocking one more (maybe two) style(s) before I get braided up for the Summer for my B-day. I know, I know you're probably thinking what could I possibly post with my hair braided up? But the fact of the matter is I really do SOOOOO many more styles with my braids! The possibilities will be endless, Until next time Beauty's....stay tuned! :)

Shout out to my photographer Fitz from Thanks Fitz!!! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh The Possibilities

Greetings Beauty's!!! I hope that you all have had a wonderful weekend! I know I did! I was able to spend time with my family this weekend as we all joined together to celebrate my baby brother graduating from high school!!! YAY....I'm SO very proud of him!!!!! Congrats Lil Big Brother! (all of my brothers are bigger and taller than me even though I'm the oldest...hence the name Lil Big Brother)

So Beauty's....I'm sort of at a stand still.  I have NO earthly idea what to do with my hair! Sighssss! Dont get me wrong, I will wear a weave and I have no problems with it! Let's face it, it's easy maintenance and that's a plus for any working woman! But, I'm so much more comfortable wearing my own hair.  However, as I mentioned in one of my previous post, I'm in that wretched in between stage of letting my hair grow out. It's too long to wear a hot short style and too short to just wrap it and wear it as it is.  Oh, and let me not forget to mention that I live in TEXAS!!! It's just too damn HOT for all that weave.  So I've been searching to see what I can find that will fit the stage that I'm in right now and here's what I've come up with........ granted this will still be a little weave but not so much! Again, I dont want to cut my hair so I'm thinking of doing a 27 piece. For those who dont know what that is, I will explain later! Here's a couple more styles that I'm considering......

Again....more weave but its not so much. Or at the very least, it's not long and super HOT! I'm telling you all this Texas heat is a beast! Last but certainly not least, the final style that I'm considering....... promised, let me explain what a 27 piece is.  A 27 piece is a box of hair that literally has 27 pieces in it. These pieces are really short; so when a quick weave is done (a quick weave is when your hair is either wrapped or laid down, a stocking cap is placed on top of your hair and then the hair is glued on the cap) it gives the illusion that your hair is cut really short. Usually a stylist will use a razor instead of scissors to give it that neat, tapered look similar to the style right above.

Well Beauty's, those are my choices. In case you were wondering, the objective is to not only do something different from what I've done in the past, but to also remain COOL as it's only June and so far we've reached temps of 105 here in Houston. Therefore, being comfortable is not an option it's a MUST!!! So I will narrow my options down and as always, I will post pics of which Do I decide to go with! Stay tuned! :)